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Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic Tool for www.easypostjob4u.com

The Google Safe Browsing API is an experimental API that enables client applications to check URLs against Google's constantly updated blacklists of suspected phishing and malware pages.

Google will return four sets of security information about url:

(1) The current listing status of a site and also information on how often a site or parts of it were listed in the past.
(2) The last time Google analyzed the page, when it was last malicious, what kind of malware Google encountered and so fourth.
(3) Did the site facilitated the distribution of malicious software in the past?
(4) Also, has the site has hosted malicious software in the past?

Please enter URL:

Verification code:   Refresh Code

This functionality discontinued.
Please refer to http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=www.easypostjob4u.com

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